Tuesday, August 20, 2013


left to right: (top) Julie, Siobhan, Rebecca, Ashley, Javay, Zach, Kelli, Bodie
(bottom) Hannah, Riley, Kelsey, Wells, myself
For the past three days, I've had 4 hours of sleep each night, woken up before there was light, and participated in endless icebreakers and awkward situations for 1787 August Orientation for first year students. Despite the long hours of training (only training! we haven't even gotten to the real thing!), I've met a group of 12 individuals who all have very different personalities, characteristics and beliefs... yet they all have inspired me more than I have ever been inspired at JMU. That may sound exaggerated, but it really isn't! The 12 people pictured above are my 1787 August Orientation FrOG group with our residence hall, Garber! 

It's funny the way the world works, if you really think about it. Garber was my first year residence hall and being able to come back after four years and acting as a FrOG to the first year students is really a different feeling. Now this is the part where I get a bit sentimental and emotional (disclaimer!). I've created so many memories and different long term friendships in this dorm that I am so excited to encourage my first years to do the same. I'm hoping that all of my first years will be able to build and create relationships and I'm hoping that I can be there for them and encourage them to do so. It really makes me nostalgic walking through Garber and seeing the suites and dorms, where I once was three years ago. The feeling of pure excitement, anxiety and the nauseating feeling of nervousness washes over me every time we talk about first years and creating an unforgettable experience for them.

The four seniors from our FrOG group! Pictured from left to right: myself, Hannah, Julie and our OPA (Orientation Peer Advisor) Kelsey! I can't speak for them and say we're all feeling an overwhelming feeling of bittersweet excitement, but probably a similar one!  I am excited to be a senior and to have the opportunity to pass on all of my knowledge and wisdom I've gained over the past three years attending JMU. My advice for the first years? 

Don't take it for granted. Especially 1787 August Orientation Week, really take advantage of all the activities, opportunities, and lessons that this week is giving you. This only happens ONCE during your time at JMU! That also goes for the rest of your time here, JMU offers you so many activities, opportunities and lessons that are readily available for you. Take advantage of it now because it is so easy! 

As Hannah said today during discussion, "... Don't take yourself too seriously." I think this piece of advice rings true to most situations in life, but especially your first year! Trust me, you are not too cool for all of these activities. They were specifically planned and designed for first year students at JMU which mean they must have some sort of importance! But enough advice and onto other matters of business (: 

The above two pictures feature my FrOG partner, Zach! So, if you're reading this and it gets a bit emotional, I'm sorry! I'll keep it brief (: I didn't know my partner beforehand and he is two years younger than me, but I think we work really well together. Although we do have a lot of differences, his own personality and characteristics really balance out my own. Working with Zach for the past three days has really inspired and motivated me to help make this a great experience for our first years. I mean, we do have 34 male Garbarians we're responsible for! He has taught me a lot of different perspectives that I didn't even consider beforehand as well as helped me feel a bit calmer about the upcoming schedule. I tend to be a bit of a "worry wart", thanks to my mom, but having Zach as a partner really helped me calm down a bit and worry a little less. The other night he told me that we can "play it by ear" which made me even more anxious, but I do have trust and faith in our partnership that he won't leave me hanging (oh gosh, i hope he doesn't) and he'll be there to back me up if need be. (: I hope that we continue to keep in touch through out the year and get to know each other more. He is definitely an interesting fellow, and someone I'd really enjoy getting to know more. (Hi Zach! if you're reading this...)

If you're reading this, I have to tell you that we actually haven't gotten our first years yet. Technically, today was only the official last day of training and our first years will be arriving at Garber on Wednesday! How am I already sentimental? Who knows. The Garber FrOGs and my OPA have helped me experience a different part of JMU that I didn't even know existed. Does that even make sense?! The 12 people above have somehow become my best friends, in one way or another they know more about me than i've told people whom i considered to be my closest friends. Their openness, vulnerability and enthusiasm have given me so much pride to be able to call myself a Garber FrOG with them.

"... And you be Shakira, be be Shakira...!!"

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