Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letting Go

I know I haven't been posting much lately; the beginning of my senior year has been a bit hectic! I've gone from 1787 August Orientation, to transitioning to classes, preparing for my themed dinner, executing my themed dinner and then Mozaic auditions! It's only the beginning of the year and I know I am only going to get busier! 

Yesterday was definitely an emotional roller coaster. I was faced with numerous awkward situations, anxiety and an overall feeling of sadness as my past presented itself sitting in my living room. Awkward? Oh, but of course! During the day I was feeling a sense of heartache and nostalgia and I didn't know what to do, so I sat and wallowed. After my self pity party, I felt a strange sense of empowerment and determination! (cliche, right? bare with me!)

LFTS came over and we wrote all of our secrets or fears, things we wanted to let go of, on small pieces of paper. After writing out a decent amount of slips, we went to my gravel lot and burned all of them! It was a great feeling. I burned parts of my past that I wanted to hold onto but knew that it wouldn't help me move on. I burned my secrets, my insecurities, my fears, and things I knew I needed to let go of. My heart felt lighter afterwards. 

My fear of letting go has subsided. I need to let go in order to move on, because something better will come along. 

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