Monday, June 25, 2012

GREAT morning!

Good Morning all! It is my first full day in Richmond and the sad part is I can't leave the apartment because I don't have a key to get back in, but that's ok! I have found things to occupy my time. First off, last night was such a horrible sleep! When I said earlier how hot it was here because of no AC, I figured night time would be so much better but I couldn't sleep! I woke up multiple times to try and find the right position to get the right amount of fan air on myself to sleep comfortably. I eventually just woke up around 8:15 and decided there was no point in trying to sleep longer. I started out my day with Morning Yoga which was a first for me and I must say it is such a great feeling. At first, my body wasn't used to it and I was struggling with some of the poses but after a while I got into the swing of things and now I feel really awake and my body isn't sore anymore from the awkward sleeping positions of last night. I'm planning on keeping this up for the rest of my time here and hopefully when I'm back at home too. Anyways, I need to get productive and start doing things or I'll get bored and derp around all day. I hope everyone has a great start to their morning and if you ever wake up early enough, try out a couple morning yoga poses! I just googled them and then put on the yoga pandora station, it was great!

Cassandra (:

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